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Sandeep Bhat (L), Manoj Verma (M) and Punit Gupta analysing customer parameters

Sandeep Bhat (L), Manoj Verma (M) and Punit Gupta analysing customer parameters

Big Saving Potential For The Gear Technology With The Liquid Tool

The Gear Technology can profit from the leverage effect of the optimal cutting and grinding fluid.

Article by Blaser Swisslube

With increased focus on environmental health, the smoke and mist produced during Gear cutting and grinding applications have become one of the main concerns. With the Blaser solutions smoke and mist are significantly better controlled.

For an Indian customer, the metalworking experts from Blaser Swisslube were able to reduce the cut time by 24 percent, lower smoke and mist tremendously and achieve overall cost savings per produced component. A result which is promising for the Asian gear hobbing and grinding production.

In terms of new gear hobbing and grinding technologies, Blaser Swisslube offers solutions to its customers and addresses their challenges for improved efficiency, increased tool life, and reduced cycle times. These can be accomplished with higher parameters, which cause higher machining temperatures.

“We aim to improve these points in cooperation with our customers,” Punit Gupta, Managing Director West Asia at Blaser Swisslube says. “As higher parameters produce more heat in the machine, we have to find the optimal cutting fluids. With our product range of cutting fluids, we want to deliver an added value where higher cutting parameters in combination with lowest risk of smoke formation are achievable. The focus to reduce smoke production is a need in the area environmental health which the top management needs to focus on”, he adds.

Blaser Swisslube has created already years ago optimal conditions to run machining tests in its Technology Center at headquarters in Hasle-Rüegsau, Switzerland. The Technology Center is unique in the industry and allows Blaser to test recently developed cutting and grinding fluids of an incredibly diverse range of materials, as well as conduct close-to-reality simulation of production situations. 

Full Article Available >>

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