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A Clear Vision For Industrial IoT

A Clear Vision For Industrial IoT

Syed Shah caught up with Scott Summerville, President, Microscan, on machine vision and the implication of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) for his company and the manufacturing. 

What are your thoughts on the increasing relevance of machine vision in manufacturing?

There is a lot more capability to create demand and solve customer issues when you are talking about intelligent sensing devices like machine vision smart cameras with fully-featured software. These tools are what I would categorize as advanced manufacturing, and I would consider PLC-driven process machinery as a more base-level automation. There are a lot of companies that install automation systems to achieve acceptable product quality levels, or simply because human interaction is no longer sufficient to do things like building cars and making steel. That being said, machine vision technology is still highly discretionary. It is not necessarily a requirement, because you could potentially accomplish your quality goals through manual inspection (although it is not as tireless or accurate).The same goes for barcode reading for traceability – it is highly efficient, but it is not necessarily mandatory. It is incumbent upon us as the manufacturing supplier to help the customer justify ROI and demonstrate the benefits of our automation technology.

Could you explain a little more about the difference between ‘mandatory’ and ‘discretionary’?

There are some regulatory requirements, particularly in the life sciences, that are beginning to require unique device identification for items like medical devices and pharmaceuticals. These requirements are mandatory and will soon be applied as a global standard. The use of machine vision and barcode reading for traceability is largely discretionary. There is enough impetus to put in traceability systems to ensure that the products manufactured reach their intended destination and they can be tracked and traced directly to the consumer in the event that there is a recall. This is not necessarily mandated, but many manufacturers (if they have had any experience with recalls) they know that it is important to have traceability systems in place. This is especially true for consumer-driven products like cars where there could be accidents involved, or food products or pharmaceuticals where there could be health concerns.

While it might not be mandated by the government, automation systems may also be installed for reputational or image issues. Machine vision is all about quality control and precision inspection to make sure products are assembled and aligned properly, and that company brand and product aesthetic are maintained. Besides reputation, automation systems can also aid customer satisfaction, (for instance, by reducing scrap rates), so really it is again incumbent upon us as the supplier to help the end user justify our technology. And with the advent of technology becoming more powerful, more miniaturized, and more competitively priced, more businesses are now adopting it.

How is Microscan positioning itself to leverage IIoT to its own advantage? What does the IIoT mean to Microscan when it comes to product development today?

To explain Microscan’s position and philosophy on the Internet of Things, we are highly invested as producers of, well, the “thing”. We see the camera or the barcode reader as the “thing” that has intelligence, that is able to be connected, and thus it is imperative that we look at the IIoT with the concept of connectivity in mind. We manufacture our products in such a way that they can connect readily and easily across all modes of communication. This is to ensure that our products can transmit data to another system, like a PLC for instance, without compatibility obstacles. This facilitates the pervasiveness of data for widespread and variable use. Aside from this, we pack as much intelligence into our devices as possible, because it is the persistence of the “thing” that is really at the crux of our role in IIoT – the irreplaceable device. What you see in factory automation today is the flattening of control architectures with a lot more intelligence being embedded in the lowest sensors in the factory floor so they can connect peer to peer without peripheral equipment. With this architecture, you don’t have to go through a labyrinth of devices or communication media to make decisions. Ultimately, this simplification of the factory network is what is going to drive IIoT. The ability to transmit data efficiently and quickly to other devices that needed to consume it to optimize any function of manufacturing processes – that’s where we see our technologies playing a role. We aim to make our devices as intelligent as possible because these devices will persist. No matter what manufacturing scenario, businesses will always need sensors, like cameras and barcode readers, to acquire data from the factory floor to enable any process in the IIoT.

How far has track and tracing come along and how has IIoT impacted its development?

When I first started my journey with Microscan, someone told me that it would not be long before you will be able to track and trace a product from manufacture to the end user with the use of a smart phone. I have not seen this yet, but with the rate at which connectivity technology is evolving, I believe that this scenario will be entirely possible sooner than later. Privacy issues are the main obstacle in the road to achieving this because of all the data collected from various parties along the way. However, I think that the ability to track a product directly to a household and advise the consumer about the quality of the product, should there be any concerns about it, is going to happen eventually. This would be the ultimate display of the capabilities of the IIoT – a scenario where I can use a smart phone to access information acquired from barcode readers at the various stages in the manufacturing supply chain. So it is only a matter of time before the technology that is able to tie all these data together, and present them at the touch of a finger, is available.

Could you tell us more about the MicroHAWK platform then, and how in line is it with IIoT?

The MicroHAWK series is what I would call a complete product platform. We had four design principles that we were focused on. The first principle was to produce the smallest and most capable product on the market today. This is because customers are downsizing the footprints of their machines on manufacturing floors, so they need the most bang for the size of the product on the manufacturing line. Next is the ease of use, or “the out-of-box” experience. Our latest web interface for the MicroHAWK platform, WebLink, offers an unprecedented user experience and gives us patent-pending technology that also plays into IIoT. With regards to performance, we have upgraded our decoding algorithms to X-Mode 4.0, which is the most robust set of decoding algorithms in the industry today. During manufacturing operations, codes can get dirty or damaged, so having a robust set of decoding algorithms to read codes regardless of unpredictable results of environmental conditions was essential. The fourth design principle in the product design was modularity and scalability. We wanted to come up with products that leveraged a common software and hardware platform, providing customers with a range of products that could achieve different requirements with one highly-configurable toolset.

MicroHAWK is built on a common imaging engine at the core of the ID-20, -30 and -40 barcode readers, with two gigabytes of memory and interchangeable lenses across the board. The three readers differ in terms of connectivity. For instance, in the ID-40, there is an Ethernet port, whereas there is a Micro USB port in the ID-20. Other differences include the reader size, industrial rating, and illumination options. The choice of reader for a given application is dependent on the environment that they are going to function in. For instance, the ID-20 is better suited for a closed environment, for instance, a lab. The ID-40 would be best suited for more robust manufacturing spaces and applications where exposure to harsh manufacturing conditions is more likely.

On each reader, there is an embedded browser-based interface called WebLink. The actual Graphical User Interface (GUI) for WebLink (that is, the software) is embedded on the reader itself. Typically, with many barcode and vision products in the market, the software would be provided separately in a dongle which you would have to load onto a PC and interface it with the product. But in the case of the Microscan’s MicroHAWK series, by embedding the browser in the camera, you can bring up the interface on a PC or any device with a web browser without worrying about the stability of the software, its compatibility, or version, in the same way you would if it were loaded onto a PC separately. So as long as you have any sort of updated web browser at your disposal, all you need to do is enter the URL of the device and you can access the reader immediately.

Which verticals will the product be targeted at and what kind of offerings can it provide?

The ID-20 is targeted at instrument manufacturers, where we have had a lot of success in clinical and laboratory applications. We are working directly with those manufacturers to educate them further about the benefits of the ID-20; for example, the flexibility of its read range. Some of our competitors’ products, for instance, have had to use mirrors or other peripherals to achieve the same read performance that our readers can achieve at various mounting angles or orientations within equipment. The ID-40 would be targeted more towards sectors like the FMCG and electronics because of its high-speed Ethernet communication capability. The ID-30 would be somewhere in the middle of what the ID-20 and -30 can offer, and can cater to customers that are in both closed and open manufacturing environments. The ID-30 has serial communication, five volt input, and has an IP54 rating at a cost-efficient price point, so it has a competitive value standpoint.

LVS was recently acquired by Microscan. How does the LVS brand strengthen Microscan’s position in the machine vision market?

Traceability is critical when it comes to the health and pharmaceutical sector. Making sure that the barcodes are of good quality so that they can be tracked throughout the supply chain is critical. Recently, we acquired a company called Label Vision Systems, which verifies barcodes to barcode quality standards like ISO, GS1, and others, to meet the traceability requirements of certain industries. This is getting back to government mandates and regulatory requirements – they are hitting the medical device and pharmaceutical industry more directly to ensure that there are unique barcodes or identifiers on every product, and that those codes have sufficient quality so they can be read downstream. Ensuring readability of codes means that they need to be graded. So with Label Vision Systems, we now have a full range of technology intended specifically for grading barcodes and other identifiers to meet these customers’ needs.

Verification is a critical element in traceability. Verification uses machine vision technology, rather than barcode reading technology, because you are not just reading a code but rather analyzing its physical appearance as well as acquiring data for further code string format analysis. The synergy of LVS verification technology within the Microscan portfolio is compelling because Microscan was already providing verification, but this was primarily for direct part marks. By adding LVS products to our offerings, we expand our expertise from DPM verification to the verification of any barcode, printed or marked. LVS also allows us to expand our role in the manufacturing process into more areas of the supply chain. Take a medical device company as an example – LVS may be working with their packaging operations to make sure that the label on the outside of a box can be tracked. Meanwhile, we at Microscan are working with the same company ensuring traceability through the manufacturing operations of the product itself after it is packaged. With the acquisition, we can now offer all of these capabilities as a single solution, including the capability to do offline and inline verification through LVS products. Not only is our unified product line extremely synergistic, but LVS also addresses the same customers as us, so there is a lot of synergy from a market and customer standpoint as well.

How does Microscan differentiate itself from in the market?

Looking back at the four design principles that the MicroHAWK is based on, we are going to be smaller in terms of footprint, bigger on functionality as compared to other readers out there, and offer a much better “out-of-box” experience through superior ease of use, especially with WebLink. Compared to the competitors in the market today, we have better decoding performance and offer more modularity and scalability using a common imaging engine, and we are able to drive cost down as a result.

We also try to differentiate ourselves in how we work with our customers. Here at Microscan, we strongly believe in the element of trust playing a critical role in how we do business with our partner or our customer. We want them to trust us in providing them with accurate information through thick and thin to get their application right.

Strategically, we strive to bring to our customers the highest level of quality in the market in terms of products and service. For example, as part of our service, we can provide custom interfaces for specific applications, such as installations that enable real-time verification of barcode quality on products as they are passing down the production line. Wherever we see the customer or the market has a real need, we will take our core technology, maybe customize some software, and provide the right solution that will fit that application.


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Bringing Industry 4.0 To Life

Bringing Industry 4.0 To Life

The manufacturing world has already decided to get on board the Industry 4.0 bandwagon. But where exactly is this wagon going to take us in a world that is getting very interconnected as we speak? Craig Charlton, SVP, Asia Pacific Operations, Epicor gives us the lowdown 

Manufacturing has come a long way since the Industrial Revolution in the 18th Century. The second Industrial Revolution in the 1900s saw the introduction of mass production. In the late 1960s, electronics and the automation of production lines entered the industrial environment. Now, we are benefitting from robotics and are beginning to discover the value of 3D printing. We are on the cusp of Industry 4.0 or the fourth industrial revolution.

Over the next decade, Industry 4.0 will emerge to meet consumer demand for tailor made products at affordable prices – from mobile phones, to cars and from household goods to wood ceiling installations. At the same time it will give manufacturers access to highly flexible mass production processes that can be rapidly adapted to market changes.

This will happen by marrying the world of production and networking in an Internet of Things (IoT) environment. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) will become even more central to production in this environment. The ERP system will become the backbone to the network; connecting smart machines, logistics systems, production facilities, sensors and devices as products and machines communicate with each other and exchange commands as products move the production line.

ERP vendors need to move away from pre-built interfaces and formulas to develop highly connected systems that conduct operations at the production line level, whilst giving business decision makers the real-time data they require. So what would this ERP system look like, how exactly would it behave and how should we go about embracing systems like it?

The Industry 4.0 ERP system will fully integrate with manufacturing execution systems (MES). As a result, it will be possible to track and document the transformation of raw materials through to finished goods.

Taking a bottling plant as an example, each bottle will have a RFID chip for the manufacturing process. This will contain all of the information about the product including the drink that will go in the bottle, the label it needs and the lid colour. When the bottle reaches the first workstation in the production line, the RFID chip will send a message to the MES, which will direct the machine to fill the bottle with the correct liquid. Once complete, the action will be registered on the RFID chip and the bottle will move onto the next work station.

With this level of intelligent connectivity, the ERP will be able to process production analytics data and line status reporting. Sales teams and management staff will be able to access this real-time information via an ERP dashboard to optimise conditions on the plant floor and improve orders and production output as well as inform sales processes and business forecasting.

Industry 4.0 means we will need to access ERP in new ways. In recent research 65 percent of business decision makers said that mobile access to ERP will become increasingly important, with 43 percent wanting that access through their smartphone and 38 percent via a tablet device.

The ERP for Industry 4.0 will allow employees to network around projects, using the system as a social collaboration tool. According to research over half (57 percent) say this will be beneficial in terms of customer and supplier communication as staff will be able to use the ERP to share knowledge and find solutions to problems on a project-by-project basis.

ERP will act as a single source for business intelligence in the age of Industry 4.0, presenting business decision makers with know-how, context or benefits, when they need it. An intelligent Industry 4.0 factory will, for example, remove the data discontinuities between a customer order and the production scheduling/ raw materials process, allowing all elements of the business to benefit from its data – whether that’s sales teams or production.

In order to benefit from the ERP systems of Industry 4.0 already today, businesses can follow these simple steps

Analyse current ERP use:

If your business is already using ERP, it’s time to think about how it fits with your business. How many users engage with it? Can this be improved with training? Is it time to start using ERP on mobile devices to take utilisation to the next level?

Embrace the latest technology:

When it comes to manufacturing, the industry is currently benefitting from exciting new innovations. 3D printing is already starting to change how we make things, as manufacturers use the technology to build models before production begins. Using the latest technology will help prepare a business for Industry 4.0 and its ERP.

Set goals:

As with any new implementation, it’s important to set KPIs. Measuring the effects of the new ERP will help businesses to understand its benefits and ROI. In Germany, the National Academy of Science and Engineering has estimated that Industry 4.0 could lead to a 30 per cent increase in industrial productivity, so if a business is able to meet the challenge of Industry 4.0 with an integrated and intelligent ERP at its core, it can expect to benefit significantly.

Collaborate across all business departments:

To get the most out of ERP in the world on Industry 4.0, businesses need to start sharing their knowledge across departments now. For example, knowledge of sales targets can improve the performance on the production line and stock data can help manage delivery planning.

The fourth Industrial Revolution hasn’t been fully embraced by the manufacturing world yet but when it does, we will see intelligent factories, with machines and products cooperatively driving production. Those businesses that have the technology – and processes – in place to optimise the new environment will thrive and we can expect ERP to be the glue pulling all operations together.


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Rock Solid Foundations: Granite For High Accuracy Measurement

Rock Solid Foundations: Granite For High Accuracy Measurement

With its durability and vibration dampening properties, granite is the ideal material for all components of industrial metrology. By CP Chuah, general manager, commercial operations Asia Pacific, Wenzel Asia 

The use of granite in 3D coordinate metrology has already proven itself for many years. No other material fits with its natural properties as well as granite to the requirements of metrology.

The requirements of measuring systems regarding temperature stability and durability are high. They have to be used in a production-related environment and be robust. Long-term downtimes caused by maintenance and repair would significantly impair production.

For many years now, manufacturers of coordinate measuring machines trust in the quality of granite. It is the ideal material for all components of industrial metrology which demand high precision.

Granite’s Favourable Characteristics

The following properties demonstrate the advantages of granite:

  • High long-term stability: Thanks to the development process which lasts many thousand years, granite is free of internal material tensions and thus extremely durable.
  • High temperature stability: Granite has a low thermal expansion coefficient. This describes the thermal expansion at the temperature changing and is only half that of steel and only a quarter of aluminium.
  • Good damping properties: Granite has optimal damping properties and thus can keep vibrations to a minimum.
  • Wear-free: Granite can be prepared so that a nearly level, pore-free surface arises. This is the perfect base for air bearing guides and a technology which guarantees the wear-free operation of the measuring system.

Manual Labour As Predicate

Based on the favourable characteristics above, the base plate, rails, beams and sleeve of Wenzel measuring machines are also made of granite. And because they are made of the same material, a homogeneous thermal behaviour is provided.

In order for the qualities of granite to apply fully when operating a coordinate measuring machine, precision is imperative when processing of the granite components are carried out. The final processing step is the hand lapping of the granite. The evenness of the lapped granite is inspected minutely with a digital inclinometer.

The flatness of the surface can be determined sub-µm-precisely and be displayed as a tilt model graphic. Only when the defined limit values are followed and the smooth, wear-free operation can be guaranteed, the granite component can be installed.

Robust Measuring Systems

In today’s production processes the measuring objects have to be brought as fast and uncomplicated as possible to the measuring systems, irrespective of whether the measuring object is a large and heavy component or a small part.

It is therefore of great importance that the measuring machine can be installed close to production. The usage of granite components supports this installation site as its uniform thermal behaviour shows clear benefits to the use of moulding, steel and aluminium.

A one metre long aluminium component expands by 23 µm when temperature changes by 1 deg C. A granite component with the same mass however expands itself for only six µm. For additional safety in the operational process, bellow covers protect machine components from oil and dust.

Precision And Durability

Reliability is a decisive criterion for metrological systems. The usage of granite in the machine construction guarantees that the measuring system is stable and precise in the long term.

As granite is a material which has to grow for thousands of years, it does not have any internal tensions and thus the long term stability of the machine base and its geometry can be ensured.

With granite being the foundation for high accuracy measurement, Wenzel purchased a granite processing business in Germany in 2006.

Granite Processing Plant

In 1885 in the German village of Groß-Bieberau, a stone cutter began a business making tools, utensils, and decorative pieces from the stone of local quarries. He likely never imagined that 130 years later his family would still be cutting stone on the same spot, though for drastically different purposes.

Run by the same family since 1885, Wenzel Steintechnik stands on the same ground today, making the granite bases and components for CMMs.

A division of Wenzel since 2006, Steintechnik evolved over the years from simple hand carved items, to designing and fabricating tombstones, evolving to the production of granite for industrial applications. The division is responsible for bringing the raw material in from the quarry, and processing it to rough size for the factory.

Work begins typically with a 35-ton block of raw material which is sawn into workable sizes for either machine tables, or components such as X-beams. These smaller blocks are then moved to other machines for finishing to their final sizes.

Reducing Processing Time

A new 5-axis vertical mill was recently purchased to streamline the manufacturing process, and reduce the handling of the stone. This gantry mill allows combining cutting, grinding, and milling operations into one, while also improving the cycle time of the processes themselves, which led to a 60 percent reduction in overall processing time.

With a working volume that can handle up to six large machine bases, the facility now has the capability for lights out production of granite 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Improvements like these allow reduced delivery times to the end customer, and also increase the flexibility of their production schedule to react faster to changing demands.

Traceability In Granite

Another more subtle change in the manufacturing process happened some years ago, when the Steintechnik team began serialising all the components they manufacture. This allows traceability from the time a block of raw granite leaves the quarry, until the pieces are assembled into a CMM.

Should problems arise with a certain component, all other components which could be affected can be easily contained and verified for their quality, ensuring that no quality defects escape the facility.

While a commonly seen in high volume production like automotive and aerospace sectors, this traceability is new in granite manufacturing. 

Granite inspection is carried out with a digital inclinometer

Granite inspection is carried out with a digital inclinometer.

Surface flatness can be determined sub-µm-precisely and be displayed as a tilt model graphic.

Surface flatness can be determined sub-µm-precisely and be displayed as a tilt model graphic.


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Bearing Industry Mass Production Gathers Pace

Bearing Industry Mass Production Gathers Pace

Soaring demand for specialised bearings is driving fast-paced changes in mass production techniques aimed at quality and price. By Robi Nudelman, bearing industry manager, and Yair Feraro, application engineer at Iscar.

Bearings are necessary for almost any mechanical system and many other elements that require rotational motion. If something, turns, twists or moves, it most likely has a bearing in it. Today, the most popular bearing type in the market is the ball bearing, but roller bearings, needle, tapered, spherical and thrust bearings are also quite common. The sizes of bearings variously range from very small diameters su

Soaring demand for specialised bearings is driving fast-paced changes in mass production techniques aimed at quality and price.

ch as 2 mm for electronic systems up to diameters of 6,000 mm mostly for wind power turbines. Linear bearings and bearing housings are also part of the industry, but with different geometrical characteristics.

Key For Automotive Industry

When talking about bearings, one of the most demanding industries today is the automotive industry. Every car has an average of 100-150 bearings, while motorcycles have between 25-30. With an annual production rate of over 93 million cars and 140 million motorcycles a year, the demand for bearings is higher than ever and continues to rise.

The need for bearings is also increasing in other industrial sectors such as machine production, electrical appliances, construction and infrastructure machinery, and aviation, power generation. Along with the remarkable increase in bearing production, there is pressure on bearing producers to reduce costs. Because of the demands for lower prices, several leading companies are building new production plants in countries such as China, India and in Eastern Europe where manufacturing costs are less.

Faster Machining Cycles

In addition, many of bearing manufacturers are looking for faster machining cycles and more efficient processes to enable them to fulfill market requirements. They are also trying to find options to minimise raw material loss by optimising their machining methods and replacing old tech tools that can no longer withstand the high machining conditions and long tool life requirements.

In the world of bearing production, it is very important to stay well prepared with the most innovative tools as competition is aggressive and non-efficient machining processes may cause a loss of business.

Iscar’s experienced engineers are capable of supporting any bearing design with advanced machining solutions that can ensure maximum performance, efficiency and preciseness. Most of the small to medium size bearing diameters are mass produced on multi-spindle machines or on simple single-task machines that are only able to perform one or two operations on the machined rings, and a few machines of this type are needed to complete an entire part.

Knowledge And Experience

Knowledge and experience are needed to provide comprehensive solutions for a variety of these applications with very efficient tools for Parting, Trepanning, Grooving, Profiling and Turning operations.

Many Iscar inserts are designed as multi-corner inserts such as the Penta, and feature economic advantages due to their five cutting edges. These inserts are mostly used for parting-off operations; seal groove machining, and raceway grooving, among other areas.

The unique structure of the Penta inserts enable grinding unlimited numbers of different shapes and geometries with a very attractive cost per edge; thus assisting Iscar customers reduce production costs enabling them to easily compete with their products.

Penta inserts can also be used for Trepanning which is an axial operation for the separation of one thick forged ring to two separate outer and inner rings. For such operations, Iscar also offers other types of inserts such as BGR and BGMR for wider rings that dictate deep separation operations.

Multi-Parting Systems

Developed multi-parting systems for customers that feature an assembled set of parting blades or adapters designed for parting a few rings at a time are now offered. Such sets are provided with the very popular Tang-Grip and Do-Grip insert, and also with the Penta inserts. Such parting systems dramatically shorten one of the most common operations in bearings production.

Iscar’s unique parting-off products are provided in very narrow sizes that enable manufacturers to significantly reduce the width of inserts, down to 0.7 and 1.0mm, and therefore save on raw materials. Such savings help produce up to 15 percent more rings out of existing steel tubes. Iscar’s Turning division provides a large variety of latest geometries and carbide grades as well as Ceramic and CBN inserts for finish turning operations of harden bearing rings up to 64 HRc. CBN inserts with chipformers are Iscar’s solution for such operations and can easily replace expensive grinding processes.

For wide profiling operations on multi-spindle machines, Iscar has the V-Lock and FTB inserts that can provide a solution for wide profiles of 10 up to 51mm width.

For large bearing rings, Iscar has developed unique drills based on the popular Sumo-Cham drills and the unique FCP inserts that provide outstanding performance and superior surface quality in such heavy duty drilling operations.

Most bearing manufacturers (excluding specials) require mass production and exact preciseness when meeting deadlines and quality. Iscar has the knowledge and experience to provide comprehensive solutions for a variety of applications in parting, grooving and profiling, turning, drilling and milling.



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